Certificate of Achievement in Cloud Computing from West LA College.
A full-stack FastAPI × SQL × React data viewer and playlist manager for the Chinook database.
Back end REST API uses Django ORM standalone for database operations. Front end React app is built on Bootstrap components with client-side routing via React Router and state management via React hooks.
A trip itinerary planner using Google Sheets as a backend. FastAPI is used as a front-facing REST API to interface with Google Workspace APIs (Google Drive, Google Sheets APIs). Reference front-end built with React and Bootstrap components and styling.
Static blog site built with Astro with React components and Tailwind CSS styles and responsive layouts.
A fully client-side React app, utilizing Material UI, to process and render JSON Resume data into print-formatted HTML and PDF.
The HTML document is rendered with components from a bespoke React component library styled with custom CSS. PDF generation is via React-pdf.
, useContext